About Me

My name is Josef Killinger and at the age of 20, I reside in Ulm, Germany.
Creating has always bin a core interest of mine. Wether that be music, painting, modifying clothes, etc.
​It often surprises people when I tell them that I did not start gaming until the end of 2020 (apart from a 3Ds I had as a child). Despite still being relatively new to the gaming world, the interest took me by storm and has been a fundamental part of my life ever since.
However, I do not just spend my days inside infront of a screen, I also love being out in nature. I specifically enjoy going on walks or hikes when the weather is good.
I thrive in a structured environment and could probably not survive without my planner app. Adaptability is one of my strengths which allows me to adjust to new and different environments quickly. This way I can quickly integrate as a valuable contributor to any team.
I have been interested in art as long as I can remember. When I started to get into video games it clicked that this is what I wanted to do.
Then, at 19, I started studying "Game Production and Management" at the University of Applied Sciences Neu-Ulm. Since then I have gained experience in all areas of indie developement. As of right now my specialization lies predominantly in game art, game design and art direction. Recently my team and I have also founded our own indie studio called Deus Draconis Interactive.

In my short career as a game developer I have already achieved various things.
In 2024, I won the Game Jam of Ulm University with a team of six and the project Nocturnal Ember.
A few months later my team and I celebrated our first Steam release with Carl und Cari: Trubel in Tierstadt.
This CV is a short overview of my life. I went to various schools and got experience from jobs and internships until I eventually landed in the Games Industry.

Get in Touch!
Phone: +49 1522 4527361
E-mail: joey.killinger@outlook.com
Or feel free to message me on Discord :)